Carlos Showalter



NEVER FORGOTTEN: Proudly Served Our Country and Our Community

Carlos L. Showalter was born on May 22nd, 1925, in Page County Virginia.  At the age of 17, he requested permission from his parents to join the U.S. Navy.  His mother refused to sign for the Navy because of the threat that Submarines were causing to surface ships.  However, she did agree for him to sign up for the Marines.

After completing basic training in 1942, Mr. Showalter was dispatched with the Marines 4th Division, 23rd Regiment, Company C, which was stationed in Maui, Hawaii.

November 1943 - February 1944:  One of the first missions was to take the Marshall Islands and the Japanese air bases that were located there.  This was one of the first steps to take control of the Pacific, providing air and naval support for future battles.

June 15th 1944 - July 9th 1944:  Saipan, another important strategic location and very important moral victory.  After American forces took Saipan, the Japanese Prime Minister and the entire Japanese war cabinet resigned, marking what many believe to have been the beginning of the end of the war in the Pacific. Saipan was the first captured air base from which U.S. B-29 Super Fortress bombers could reach mainland Japan.

July 1944 – August 1944:  Tinian, yet another important strategic location for troops and airfields. 

February 1945 – March 1945:  Iwo Jima, one of the fiercest battles in the Pacific.  Of the 238 original men in Company C, only 16 of the 38 that returned to the United States were not casualties; one of which was Mr. Showalter.  He was involved in the taking of Hill 382 which was one of the most costly battles on Iwo Jima, losing close to 1/3 of the company in that battle alone.  The U.S. Air Force dedicated one of its B-29 bombers to the Marines 4th division.  It was estimated that nearly 100 planes per month were saved with the closer air fields captured by the Marines.

After returning home in 1945 as Sergeant, Mr. Showalter remained in the Marine Reserves until completing the 4 year enlistment requirement.

He married Jeanne Rosenberger Showalter, had three children, and enjoyed a career selling power equipment. Into his nineties, Mr. Showalter continued a life of service as an active member of Shenandoah Baptist Church where he and his wife had completed several mission trips to many different countries in need. He also continued to display his patriotism, giving speeches and presentations about his experiences as a Marine in World War II to various groups and organizations.

Mr. Showalter passed away peacefully at his home near Fincastle, VA, on the afternoon of July 9th 2019; the same day as the 75th anniversary of the end of the battle of Saipan, which he was a part of. His family includes several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren; many of which called him "Go-Gran" because he was always "on the go." His ongoing service to his country and community will be sorely missed.

Psalms 91:7 -  A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

Created DHS6-20-17, reviewed by CLS